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A note for visitors to Immaculate Conception Church:

Our church is dedicated to the practice of the traditional Roman Catholic religion. This includes the traditional Latin Roman Rite of Holy Mass and the sacraments. We do not regard the New Mass created after Vatican Council II to be a true Catholic Mass, Only those who regularly attend exclusively the traditional Latin Rite of Mass, who are properly dressed (see below), and are in the state of Sanctifying Grace may receive Holy Communion at Immaculate Conception Church. Please contact a priest with any questions.


Catholics believe that the church is the House of Prayer and that the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, His body and blood, soul and divinity. Therefore, we rightly require that all who enter this church show great respect by the way they behave and the way they dress.

Reception of Holy Communion at Immaculate Conception Church

The Catholic Church has always had serious requirements for the reception of Holy Communion. Thus, all those who wish to receive Holy Communion at Immaculate Conception Church must:​​


  • Be validly baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. Due to irregularities sometimes found in baptisms since the imposition of the “New Order,” those baptized after 1970 must speak with one of the priests before receiving Holy Communion.

  • Have sufficient knowledge of the traditional Catholic catechism – such as the traditional Baltimore Catechism.

  • Firmly believe and profess all doctrines of the Catholic Church. One must believe and abide by traditional Catholic moral teaching, especially regarding purity and marriage. Anyone who has received a marriage annulment since 1968 must talk to the priest

  • Be in the state of sanctifying grace, having made a good confession to a traditional Roman Catholic priest and received absolution.

  • ​Be fasting from solid foods and alcoholic beverages for three hours and all other liquids for one hour. (Water does not break the fast and may be taken at any time.)

  • Attend only the traditional Latin Mass offered by a true traditional Catholic priest.

  • Be dressed suitably, i.e. respectfully and modestly (see below).


Please do not come to receive Holy Communion at this church today if you do not meet these standards. Rather, please return more appropriately attired.


Furthermore: Anyone who adheres to the erroneous teachings of Father Leonard Feeney and Saint Benedict Center (denying the Church’s teaching concerning “baptism of desire” and “baptism of blood”), or who worships at religious services conducted by any of the Thuc bishops and their clergy, must not receive Holy Communion at Immaculate Conception Church. Please discuss this with our priests

Dress Code

Traditional standards of dress require that ladies wear dresses, or full skirts and blouses. Hemlines must be long enough to touch the floor when kneeling, and to reach at least below the kneecap when standing or sitting. Necklines must be no more than two finger-widths below the collarbone. Slit skirts are not acceptable (a skirt is too tight if it needs to be slit to allow walking). Ladies are also required to wear a suitable head-covering while in church. Women wearing slacks, sleeveless dresses (including “capped” sleeves, which are not sleeves at all) or low necklines are not suitably dressed to receive Holy Communion. They should not even enter the church if their dress is immodest.


Gentlemen also must wear modest and decent clothing in church. Men must wear dress slacks and dress shirt, preferably with suit coat and tie. If their attire is immodest or indecent, they should not enter the church.


Flip-flops, shorts, sweats, and T-shirts are not acceptable attire in the church. The wearing of revealing, tight-fitting and trans parent garments of sheer material is forbidden.


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2310 Robertson Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45212

513-731-8771 •

Copyright © 2024 Immaculate Conception Church

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